Indian agate is a strong protective stone, used as a talisman and amulet since ancient times. Protects against negative energies, as well as negative external phenomena and dangers. Protects those who are far from home, creates especially strong protection for children. It helps to know the truth, to accept the circumstances. It is believed that agate helps to find out the truth, come to terms with circumstances and is a powerful emotional healer. Agate strengthens the connection with nature and provides vital energy, promotes courage and protects against danger. Increases insight, memory, concentration and helps develop analytical skills. It helps to discover forgotten or hidden talents, encourages not to be afraid to achieve a goal, is considered a symbol of a long, happy and rich life.
Agate. This mineral is more suitable for those who work behind the wheel of a car. For example, it best helps taxi drivers, truck drivers. This helps you arrive on time and also helps you bond with those you have to transport.
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