Heliotrope, or blood stone, is a stone of inner strength, protection, and grounding. Improves the flow of vital energy in the body, gives a lot of strength, revives physical and emotional exhaustion. It helps to decide, make decisions, evaluate situations, review values and priorities, gives courage and determination.
It is a strong stone that brings you to the surface, helps you see your destructive thoughts and actions, helps you realize your mistakes, attracts what you need, and helps you get rid of what hinders you.
The wearer should be extremely clear minded and honest and selfless otherwise they may experience side effects (failures, losses etc.)
Heliotrope cleanses the physical body, is suitable for treating infections, inflammations, poisoning, bleeding and wounds. It is said to be a warding stone against death. Can be placed on any chakra when feeling a lack of energy
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Customer reviews
2 reviews
Ausra M., 11 Aug, 2024
Dėkoju už puikius gaminius. Už greita išsiuntimą ir dovanas taip pat
Aliona G., 14 Jan, 2024
Superiniai papuosalai, rekomenduoju, labai greitai gaunat ir + dovaneles, ačiu.