Rose quartz
Well-known around the world, rose quartz is often called the heart crystal. Already in early civilizations, people valued it and used it for various rituals and ceremonies. The Romans and Egyptians considered this crystal a symbol of beauty and put it in various creams and elixirs. Meanwhile, Americans associated it with well-being and inner growth. Well, in the eastern regions, as in the present world, rose quartz was associated with love and pure feelings.
And indeed it is a crystal with a strong connection to the heart chakra. It nurtures and nurtures universal love. Encouraging to maintain good relations with family members, to get along with your brothers and sisters, to devote yourself to pure love with your partner, and most importantly - to turn to yourself.
The crystal softens the hard way and helps to open up. It teaches acceptance of oneself and others by noticing the good qualities. The relaxing and calming energy of rose quartz will surround you with its gentle rays, encouraging you to be calmer, more forgiving, more understanding and compassionate.
The crystal is the guardian of feminine energy. It is believed to maintain beauty, so it is recommended to wash your face with its infusion in the morning and evening. It is also a mineral that promotes maternal feelings. It protects the health of pregnant women and babies.
Crystal lovers decorate their homes with rose quartz. And not without reason, the soft color of the mineral calms the energy of the space. It is suitable for keeping in the living room, where the crystal can attract love and harmony, or in the bedroom to ignite a couple's devotion and intimacy.
This heart crystal directly affects its functions. A relaxed organ also calms other parts of the body. Rose quartz relieves headaches or migraines and helps those with sinus, ear or throat problems. It stabilizes lung and kidney disorders. In the reproductive system, rose quartz energy can be used for sexual challenges and infertility. Childbirth, difficult pregnancies, and post-partum disorders are all problems that Rose Quartz's wonderful healing energy can help with. In addition to all this, it helps people suffering from various addictions, depression, anxiety or other disorders of the nervous system.
Customer reviews
3 reviews
Renata V., 16 Jun, 2024
Graži kokybiška apyrankė.
Auśra M., 6 Jun, 2024
Dėkoju už puikias apyrankes ir dovanėles🙏
Greta, 16 Nov, 2023
Ačiū už greita pristatyma, apyrankės super tiko dydis